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Take Five with world wanderer, Nicole 



Our mini blog series asks recently returned walkers five questions about their trip. Here’s Nicole’s account of Dolomites and Japan – tips and inspo included! 

1. Where have you travelled in the world with GBN? 

Last year I did 2 of the inaugural walks with GBN the first Dolomites in June and then Japan in September. Both countries I had never been to before. 

2. How was the experience and did anything surprise you about it? 

The experience was absolutely amazing. Italy was just incredible - I went with a friend, so it was great to share that experience and when we had a clear view of those mountains, we were like little kids jumping around pure joy and happiness. Every day was different it was a lot of fun.  

Japan, I went on my own and it too was so beautiful I loved learning about the history and culture of the area our guide Paul was like a history book just incredible. They were two very different walks but both fabulous. 

Review of hiking Japan
Reviews of Japan's Salt Road

Picture credit: Nicole Dewing, Japan's Ancient Salt Road Walk

3. What was a highlight (or three!)? 

Dolomites: Mountains everywhere! Plus unexpected snow falls in June, the most surprising and amazing accommodation at every stop, fabulous group, fun-loving guides – everything was fabulous! 

Japan: Incredible immersion into history and culture. Beautiful landscape that takes you back and really makes you feel what it was like to be a trader. The total immersion into the culture the food the accommodation was such a wonderful experience. 

4. Describe the feeling of wrapping up a day walking with a comfy bed, hearty meal, and glass of wine? 

Hard to find enough happy words for this answer - it is the best. Nothing else to think about - just sit back, relax, and enjoy the feast that is popped in front of you and the incredible accommodation provided. Simply the best! 

5. Where to next?  

I am going back to Italy for a week of wandering before I join the Slovenian hike on my birthday in June. I am meeting up to do this walk with someone I met on the Dolomites journey and expecting it to be a very fun adventure (they called us the Prosecco girls!). How wonderful to meet up with a likeminded new friend – I am so excited! 

I am also seriously considering doing the southern France trip in September just sorting some things out. You only live once so might best to live it doing what you love, and Guided by Nature allows me to be spoiled, considered, and looked after in some of the best places in the world, which I am very grateful for.  

6. What advice would you offer someone who is pondering a global guided walking holiday? 

Don’t even give it a second thought. There is nothing you will regret but everything to gain - mostly absolute happiness! 

Review of Hiking in Dolomites - Nicole
Guided Hiking Dolomites Review

Picture credit: Nicole Dewing, Italian Dolomites & Venice Walk
